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Whether you work for a multinational / multi billion dollar company, or a startup. Whether you’re new to market, or an existing incumbent. And whether you’re looking to build brand, build leads, or both – incorporate as many of these items in your content as possible to achieve cut through.

Include advisers

If you want advisers to listen, you need to speak the language. And the best way to speak the language is to incorporate advisers into your content. The last thing you want is to spend three months and six figures on creating and distributing content, only to find out the message didn’t land. Ask advisers to be a part of your content. Make them the thought leader. Reflect their wins. Research is great, and CPD points are always welcome – but advisers value their time. Make sure to create relevant content specific to advisers. Design the content with them in mind, and what better way to do it, than to include your ideal market in the content itself.

Talk technical and talk specific

When you understand a subject intrinsically, your patience for ‘motherhood statements’ tends to wane. A worst case scenario is producing content that not only fails to be interesting and relevant, but that reduces your reputation in the eyes of those who are consuming it. Speaking at a rudimentary level is great when speaking to a retail investor audience, but when speaking to professionals, it’s more than okay to get specific. Advisers are moulded into place through rules and regulations, and are frequently pulled into line. As such, specificity is appreciated. Advisers prefer to be crystal clear on subjects, and precisely upskilled rather than vaguely informed.

Make it easy to share

Once you have your content featuring some amazing advisers, speaking specifically around topics of interest – give your guest advisers a clear road to sharing the content. Advisers of all personality types fill the profession – it’s one of the most interesting things about the industry. Some advisers are quick to promote themselves, and some are not. Find out what goals the adviser is trying to solve, and help them in this capacity in return for sharing the content they help create. Are they looking to build their reputation amongst their peers? Are they looking for a new job? A promotion? Are they looking to start their business, or sell their business? Attract talent, or attract clients? Understanding what advisers are looking to achieve can help in your job of getting the content shared.

For help with all of the above, get in contact with us here.

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