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The Financial Advice Knowledge Economy

One of the core values we have at XY is reducing the 10,000 hours to mastery rule. This has allowed us to play a role in the rising tide of financial planning around the world. The momentum to explore what it means to be a great financial advice provider has been moving in from the fringes for years. We caught that zeitgeist at the right time, and have been focused on centralising the collective intelligence of our industry in a way that scales out exponentially. Our mandate is to facilitate the financial advice knowledge economy, and ensure many voices are heard.

The Journey to Mastery is Unique

One of the difficulties financial advice experiences as opposed to other professions is the spectrum of available outcomes. Great advice looks different for every adviser, every business, and every client. Because this range exists, the journey to become a great adviser is different for everyone. Some advisers take a technical route and learn the softer skills later. Some advisers start at the interpersonal end and work their way into the technical side of advice over time. Others again are experienced with financial services and choose to join the advice side. There is no cliché way to enter advice. No cliché way to improve advice. And no cliché way to deliver great advice. As a result, there’s also no cliché way to learn the craft.

Variety Solves the Issue

This is why we take a very wide berth when it comes to content. As an adviser-first platform, advisers essentially have full reign on the topics of advice conversation. This means advisers from all types of advice backgrounds share and learn from one another. Spaced out among those conversations are pieces of educational content we work on with our clients. Not only is the content designed to help answer the problems advisers experience and discuss on the platform, but they come from many different providers. There’s a lot of problems to solve, and a lot of value to add to financial advisers. It’s impossible for any one company to handle individually. Hence why we don’t provide exclusive relationships.

We work with many companies who provide similar outcomes. Over the years we have developed a framework to help us ensure each of our clients get their time in the sun to provide value to advisers. Different messages will resonate differently with each adviser. Our goal is to help clients get their unique value proposition in front of the audience who will respond favourably. Not every adviser will find every message relevant, because every adviser is different. Diversity of content wins because advisers are by definition – a diverse profession. It’s our goal to make sure each and every adviser finds their unique path towards providing great advice.

As a rapidly growing advice platform, we have a constant stream of problems to help advisers solve. Reach out here to begin helping us solve adviser problems.

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